visual artıst;
mixed media artist;
BA in Moving İmage Dpt,
Gerrit Rietveld Academie 20’
An imaginary self is a self that does not have the need to respect societal codes, a self that wrecks classic norms and impositions, a self that lives at the expense of nobody and no limit. A self that cannot be judged given its non-existence.
I was diagnosed at the age of 14 a complex post-traumatic stress disorder, for an act of pedophilia of which I was victim at the age of 6.
However rough, perfectly intangible and almost absurd, what grew within the years was a non-negotiable need to sublime the tragical, an urge to surpass the limits of my conditioning.
The Flood— history of Angela Forge, is a sacred flight out of my own body toward a vast plain that enables invention, whereas in common reality reinvention is the only possibility.
The point being, throughout a persona, to eagerly get myself out of the discomfort that is reinvention, that supposes I am already something precise.
NB: Angela Forge is not a reinvention of the self: she is an invention through the self.
My statement is that of pushing limits and boundaries of the mind to their fullest until all becomes boundless, messy and disorganised. It comes close to an unsupervised psychoanalysıs; somehow I reckon, alike heavy crises of post-traumatic stress disorder.
I want to confront the ineffable, the utterly intolerable.
My work is mainly composed of self-portraits, prose-writing, costume making and video/performance. The goal being to make these diverse matters coincide and merge, until for instance realist linocuts are found to perfectly co-operate with, let’s say, surrealistic videos and performative snapshots.
The Flood— history of Angela Forge, is an ongoing project that began in 2015, that craves pursuing, that consistently asks for more. It is an analysis of the self, a counter-approach to the tragical, a study of discontinuance.
mixed media artist;
BA in Moving İmage Dpt,
Gerrit Rietveld Academie 20’
An imaginary self is a self that does not have the need to respect societal codes, a self that wrecks classic norms and impositions, a self that lives at the expense of nobody and no limit. A self that cannot be judged given its non-existence.
I was diagnosed at the age of 14 a complex post-traumatic stress disorder, for an act of pedophilia of which I was victim at the age of 6.
However rough, perfectly intangible and almost absurd, what grew within the years was a non-negotiable need to sublime the tragical, an urge to surpass the limits of my conditioning.
The Flood— history of Angela Forge, is a sacred flight out of my own body toward a vast plain that enables invention, whereas in common reality reinvention is the only possibility.
The point being, throughout a persona, to eagerly get myself out of the discomfort that is reinvention, that supposes I am already something precise.
NB: Angela Forge is not a reinvention of the self: she is an invention through the self.
My statement is that of pushing limits and boundaries of the mind to their fullest until all becomes boundless, messy and disorganised. It comes close to an unsupervised psychoanalysıs; somehow I reckon, alike heavy crises of post-traumatic stress disorder.
I want to confront the ineffable, the utterly intolerable.
My work is mainly composed of self-portraits, prose-writing, costume making and video/performance. The goal being to make these diverse matters coincide and merge, until for instance realist linocuts are found to perfectly co-operate with, let’s say, surrealistic videos and performative snapshots.
The Flood— history of Angela Forge, is an ongoing project that began in 2015, that craves pursuing, that consistently asks for more. It is an analysis of the self, a counter-approach to the tragical, a study of discontinuance.
born ın Parıs
raısed ın London
studıed ın Amsterdam
born ın Parıs
raısed ın London
studıed ın Amsterdam