i think people are too rough in general
camera: mees van amesfoort
wolf: jesse asselman
an imaginary self is a self
that does not have the need
to respect societal codes,
a self that lives
the expense of nobody and no limit.
A self that cannot be judged
given its non-existence.
(introduction to Angela Forge
excerpt 2020)
as seen at The Holy Art Gallery,
London (UK)
camera: mees van amesfoort
wolf: jesse asselman
an imaginary self is a self
that does not have the need
to respect societal codes,
a self that lives
the expense of nobody and no limit.
A self that cannot be judged
given its non-existence.
(introduction to Angela Forge
excerpt 2020)

London (UK)

credits to Alex Grimaud
“On peut l’imaginer comme on voudra, debout,
devant une fenêtre, un chevalet, ou même sans
aucune espèce d’apparence et dépourvu de tout
corps, tel qu’il aurait voulu être. [...]
Il creuse un problème impensable. Se déterminer,
comme si ce n’était pas lui qui se déterminait,
se voir avec les yeux de son esprit sans que ce
soient les yeux de sont esprit.
Se voir, et oublier que c’est lui-même qui se voit.”
Antonin Artaud
credits to Alex Grimaud
“On peut l’imaginer comme on voudra, debout,
devant une fenêtre, un chevalet, ou même sans
aucune espèce d’apparence et dépourvu de tout
corps, tel qu’il aurait voulu être. [...]
Il creuse un problème impensable. Se déterminer,
comme si ce n’était pas lui qui se déterminait,
se voir avec les yeux de son esprit sans que ce
soient les yeux de sont esprit.
Se voir, et oublier que c’est lui-même qui se voit.”
Antonin Artaud

The Flood-- History of Angela Forge:
a scenery
Graduation Show,
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Amsterdam, (NL)

photo etchings: a study
credits to Moma Mercier
credits to Moma Mercier

the Dream of the Cat in the Night-time

Lampe de Chevet

La Colere

Angela in little devil’s coat
polaroid photographies by Arno Nollen
(in motion with Henry Darger)
polaroid photographies by Arno Nollen
(in motion with Henry Darger)
let me hear nothing of the Moon,
in my nights there is no Moon
and if it happens that I speak about the stars--
it is by mistake.
Samuel Beckett
(a character is a vast and infinite
plain devoid of a body, and that
-being devoid of a body, is not subject
to social interaction, has its place only
in the imaginary, and detains the power
to continuously invent itself.)
[To invent itself, because to reinvent itself
would mean it has already been invented, that
it has already been a certain entity that functions
in this or that way; and the uniqueness of
a character is that it has never been and never will be,
in the sense that it is never locked up in any body.
It is vast and in constant movement, delimited by
nothing; we can imagine it as we like,
we can even imagine it as nothing, as we are also
free to
not imagine it.]
reasearch diary-- 2020
plain devoid of a body, and that
-being devoid of a body, is not subject
to social interaction, has its place only
in the imaginary, and detains the power
to continuously invent itself.)
[To invent itself, because to reinvent itself
would mean it has already been invented, that
it has already been a certain entity that functions
in this or that way; and the uniqueness of
a character is that it has never been and never will be,
in the sense that it is never locked up in any body.
It is vast and in constant movement, delimited by
nothing; we can imagine it as we like,
we can even imagine it as nothing, as we are also
free to
not imagine it.]
reasearch diary-- 2020